Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Bike Shop Love

It's true, I do often have less-than-amazing things to say about my job. Sometimes people are hard to deal with and the managers can be a pain, but that's true just about anywhere. One of the best things about my job is the group of boys I work with. Yes, I guess they are all technically men, not boys, but something about the shop attracts the boyish, never-grow-up type.
Occasionally I get pissy when I clean up after them and more than once I have made the analogy that I am tired of being Wendy to their Lost Boys. For the most part, though, they are amazing. They give me hugs just because I am near. They pick me up sometimes to remind me that I am small. They tell me that I am smart and they bring me healthy snacks. Some of us share vegan recipes and some of us share CDs but mostly we all just share laughter.
Today, Tre Tre, my giant, vegan, tattooed-head-to-toe, heart of gold buddy met me on the steps outside just as we were closing our doors for the night. He picked me up, spun me around, and gave me a giant hug, saying to me sweetly "B, guess what? We made it." At that moment my eagerness to leave faltered a little and I realized that I will miss this place. I really need to bring my camera to work so that I can take pictures with all of my Lost Boys. Sometimes even Wendy has to grow up.

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