Thursday, May 29, 2008

Got the job!

So after a very long interview (by my count, from 8:30am to Roughly 1:30pm, no lunch) I got the job at UAMA!

I started getting good vibes right when I got there. The building is pretty new and they have lots of nice technology around. I first was tasked with writing an answer to a prompt, sort of a personal statement on how I feel like I fit into UAMA. No problem and I thought that I incorporated all of the questions well.

Then it was off to a 10th grade science class to observe and help out during their Regents prep time. This is where it got interesting. I walked into class during the last five minutes of the previous class and just stood at the front of the room with Stacey, one of the 10th grade teachers. As class was letting out and kids were leaving the room, two girls come up to me. One of them says "So I know this may be inappropriate, but I just want to tell you that you look hot." Then they walked away.


That's pretty much all I did was stand there with my mouth hanging open.

Thankfully no one hit on my in my observation class, that would have been awkward. The observation time was fine and reminded me of when I went to Aneal's school-- kids will throw up a wall and be distracted until you approach them individually. Then, all of a sudden, they turn back into kids and start working. Things to remember for this summer, as I'm hopefully going to be there for my summer school stint.

Then it was off to a panel interview with the other 10th grade science teacher, Alma, the school secretary/brains of the operation, and Shari, a 10th grade english teacher on the hiring committee and my point person through the process. I showed them the lesson that I had prepared, highlighted why I chose a topic that integrated other disciplines, and we went over my written statement. Then they just took turns firing questions off and at times I felt like I was playing verbal air-hockey vs. three people at once.

In the end, I felt like I left them fairly impressed. Then they all went to talk to Paul, the principal, and I was left alone for what felt like forever. He then invited me into his office, we chatted, he gave me the UAMA spiel, we discussed its strengths and weaknesses, my strengths and weaknesses in what felt like just a good conversation. At the end, he said "so do you have any questions for me?"

I asked him what the timeline was for hearing about interviews, etc, so I would know whether or not to keep searching around and he said--
"Well for you, that's an easy answer. We'd like to offer you a job."
Sweet. So there you have it. He sent me home with a CD rom full of all kinds of guidelines and handbooks, etc, to look over and now I just have to let the fellows know so that I can put in to work there over summer.

I am SO excited.


Alison said...

Congrats! That's fantastic!

Justin said...

Awesome! Congratulations. I knew you'd get in wherever you wanted to... Surely you didn't doubt yourself. I'm excited for you!