Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Sunset Park!

So after a flurry of contacting people, explaining the teaching fellows program, seeing pictures, mapquesting, etc, I have found a place in the Sunset Park neighborhood of Brooklyn.

Its near, you guessed it, Sunset Park, one of the highest points in Brooklyn, where you have supposedly the best view of the bridges and the Statue of Liberty. It is also very close to one of the schools I have an interview at and only a few subway stops away from my friends in Park Slope.

The rental is only through August, with the option of staying longer, but I figure it will be just enough time for me to meet some fellows and figure out where exactly I want to live more long-term. I will totally be living in a closet, but it comes with a bed and the other girl who lives there has been there three years and loves it. The apartment is only 3 years old, so it should be fairly nice. I'm supposed to see photos today.

Whew. That is one GIANT weight off my shoulders. Now I just have to pack?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Annie - I am just so proud of you for following your heart, being a risk-taker, and taking on this huge challenge. I know that you are going to have a fabulous experience in Brooklyn. It is SO you!

Who knows? Some day you might even attend the Brooklyn College of Law...just like My Cousin Vinny!